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Descritor Inglês:   Glycine N-Methyltransferase 
Descritor Espanhol:   glicina N-metiltransferasa 
Descritor Português:   Glicina N-Metiltransferase 
Sinônimos Inglês:   Glycine Methyltransferase
Glycine N Methyltransferase
Glycine Sarcosine Methyltransferase
Glycine Sarcosine N Methyltransferase
Glycine Sarcosine N-Methyltransferase
Methyltransferase, Glycine
Methyltransferase, Glycine Sarcosine
N-Methyltransferase, Glycine
N-Methyltransferase, Glycine Sarcosine
Sarcosine Methyltransferase, Glycine
Sarcosine N-Methyltransferase, Glycine  
Categoria:   D08.811.913.555.500.387
Definição Inglês:   An enzyme that catalyzes the METHYLATION of GLYCINE using S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE to form SARCOSINE with the concomitant production of S-ADENOSYLHOMOCYSTEINE. 
Nota Histórica Inglês:   2006(1980); GLYCINE 1974-1979 
Qualificadores Permitidos Inglês:  
AD administration & dosage AE adverse effects
AN analysis AI antagonists & inhibitors
BI biosynthesis BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid CS chemical synthesis
CH chemistry CL classification
DF deficiency DE drug effects
EC economics GE genetics
HI history IM immunology
IP isolation & purification ME metabolism
PK pharmacokinetics PD pharmacology
PH physiology PO poisoning
RE radiation effects ST standards
SD supply & distribution TU therapeutic use
TO toxicity UL ultrastructure
UR urine  
Número do Registro:   50701 
Identificador Único:   D050938 

Ocorrência na BVS:
